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Peter Johnson

Major at Williams: Political Science

Boston University: MBA & MS, Journalism

NEW in 2024: 

Reflections: Finding solitude in nature...


...given the 8 billion beating human hearts roaming the only planet we know... is challenging. You might not guess that the world's population more than tripled in our lifetime.

With wilderness in mind, classmate Stan Fri and I returned to the Canadian Rockies in 2023 for another divine adventure. We embarked on a 72-mile rugged canoeing circuit. For day one we paddled reedy ponds while portaging 4 miles over muddy hills in downpours. Moan. Fortunately later on, between storms and forest fire smoke, the heavens often parted. Marvelous vistas beckoned. We spied eagles and moose, wilting glaciers and shooting stars. We swam briskly, if briefly. Sans boat engines, the serenity of sublime nature over days enveloped us. When not pitching our tent or making photos or drinking the pure lake, we hiked to waterfalls or read scripture (Stan) and John Muir (me). Or rested on sun-baked boulders. Ahh.


The glow from a journey in the wild lingers as a tonic for the spirit; beats getting that new car for comparison. Of course, we all crave beauty and nature in our lives. Studies show experiencing nature improves well-being, even walking a city park. Enthralling scenery tugs on us to value and preserve nature for its own sake and for future generations. (Every citizen needs environmental ethics which instills wonder and responsibility. Why as earthlings we don't require high school courses of such ethics along with the topics of human relationships, classical music appreciation, and especially civics now, baffles me. How much better off the world would be.) ...Some reflections on reflections (as all photography is) of lake reflections here, mostly. Anyhow, our aging bodies were glad we didn't wait another decade -- to bring back memories and glimpses of something privileged as well as endangered: solitude in pristine nature. 




Photographs from 2023

Pandemic Retreat Collages, 2020


It's still overwhelming to fathom: tragedy and sorrow from COVID struck tens of thousands of American families. Our clan navigated this crisis with options and luck. Since my parents succumbed years ago to lung disease, we decided I should quarantine vaccine-less 2020 at our new second home in Vermont – while my saintly wife, Adrienne, remained in Pennsylvania with our two girls.


For coping solo, I zoomed with the kids, cranked up Berlin Philharmonic Roku concerts on the big-screen, wrote seven career-based articles soon published, and composed nine themed collages. A photo journal of sorts, all were taken with my Android phone at our panoramic perch, Starry Ridge, on Lake Champlain, or nearby. Beauty in nature and music became my fortunate refuge, and I hope these blessings nourish you, too, wherever you live. Below are four excerpts from My Quarantine Gallery 2020.


While my career was in banking then public radio, photography has always been a passion, and I've been printing 30x40 canvas enlargements of late.

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